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PA-RISC/Linux In Use

PA/Linux in Production

Here is a brief summary of what we succeed to set up as production machines.
The design of this page should be improved soon ;o).

greg - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
This is the webserver (Apache/PHP)
At the beginning it was two 712/100 with 128MB of RAM and 4GB Hard-Drive, running PA/Linux-0.9.3 and controlled by a heartbeat system that ran the website.
Then, it has been a B132L+ with 128MB of RAM and 2GB & 4GB Hard-Drives, running Debian sarge.
Currently, it is a B180L with 384MB of RAM and 2GB & 4GB Hard-Drives, running Debian etch

Pre-Production Level

Here is a brief summary of what we are testing to set up as production machines.

dharma - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
This is greg's clone, the testing webserver
It is a B132L+ with 192MB of RAM and 4GB Hard-Drives, running Debian etch

Testing Systems

Here is a brief summary of what we are currently testing.

gropaf - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
This is an autobuilder
It is a L1000-44 2way with 4GB of RAM and 4x9GB Hard-Drives, hooked to a SC10 disk array, running Debian etch
donald - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
It is a J6000 2way with 8GB of RAM and 36GB Hard-Drive, running Debian testing
daisy - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
It is a J6000 2way with 8GB of RAM and 18GB Hard-Drive, running Debian testing
dingo - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
It is a J6000 2way with 8GB of RAM and 36GB Hard-Drive, running Debian testing

Development Level

Here is a brief summary of what we are developing.

mkhppa3 - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
This is our builder and main devel machine
It is an A500 with 4GB of RAM and 2x9GB Hard-Drives, running Debian unstable
magnum - [an error occurred while processing this directive] - [an error occurred while processing this directive]
This is a rp3440 with 2x73GB+1x18GB 15k Ultra SCSI disks and 4GB RAM, used for ZX1 chipset support work, running Debian testing

LinuxCare Medasys
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